Welcome to the  (Virtual Instructor-led) FY 2024 Course!

This course is currently being taught in a virtual instructor-led classroom.  Participants in this course are introduced to important concepts of person-centered thinking and then are directed to focus on the differences between person-centered thinking and person-centered planning. The course also provides development and practice in using a set of skills aimed at determining, sorting and documenting information that is both important to and important-for the person. The course also introduces and provides practice in using information to match the person with compatible staff, in determining what duties a support staff may have toward addressing the person’s needs, as well as in developing a brief description of the person that highlights important desires, needs, preferences and characteristics.

To take this course, please click on the "Enroll me" button below and follow the instructions below the Welcome and course description.

Start  (Virtual Instructor-led) FY 2024' Course