TB HIV STD Section

The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) HIV/STD Program has the duty to identify, report, prevent, and control HIV, AIDS, and STDs in the State of Texas. The Program is dedicated to preventing the spread of HIV and other STDs while minimizing complications and costs. This is achieved primarily through education, prevention counseling, screening and testing, partner elicitation and notification, and the provision of medical and social services. While some of these services are directly provided, most are provided through contracts with community-based agencies.

The Tuberculosis (TB) and Hansen's Disease Unit (TB Unit) administers TB program services statewide in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 31, Primary Health Care by allocating funds to local and regional health departments across the state to perform TB prevention and care activities.

The TB Unit establishes core elements to design a funded TB program, prepares and maintains standards of care, and develops methods to deliver appropriate services. The TB Branch provides laboratory support, medications, testing supplies, courier transport, nursing, and medical consultation services to funded TB programs to enhance service delivery capacity.