Making It Work (MIW) is the HHSC ECI orientation training module for all new staff.
The module provides foundational information and activities on providing early intervention services.
All sections of this module must be completed prior to service provision to ensure qualified staff are delivering ECI services.
If you have questions about this course or need assistance, please email:
To begin this course, please click on button below and then select the "enroll me" button below the course description.
Making It Work for Therapists (MIWT) is the ECI orientation training module for all new staff who provide Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, or Speech Language Pathology to ECI families.
This module provides foundational information and activities on providing early intervention services as a therapist.
All sections of this module must be completed prior to service provision to ensure qualified staff are delivering ECI services.
If you have questions about this course or need assistance, please email:
To begin this course, please click on button below and then select the "enroll me" button below the course description.
The New Directors' Orientation module was designed to assist new and experienced ECI program management understand the intricacies of administering a successful and efficient Part C program in Texas.
This module can be used as an orientation, reference guide, and a refresher resource for ECI personnel.
If you have questions about this course or need assistance, please email:
To begin this course, please click on button below and then select the "enroll me" button below the course description.
The Early Intervention Specialist (EIS) Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP) Credentialing module is a streamlined and self-paced process for certifying an EIS employed by Texas ECI contractors.
Learning activities, observations and demonstrations are directly related to the job responsibilities of an EIS by building on what you learned in MIW as you follow the story of a new child and her family.
If you have questions about this course or need assistance, please email:
To begin this course, please click on button below and then select the "enroll me" button below the course description.
The Family Centered Case Management (FCCM) training module is intended to help ECI service coordinators learn the basics to provide quality case management. This training module is required for all ECI Service Coordinators. It includes information about:
- Assisting families in accessing and receiving the services and resources that they need to support their child’s development
- Coordinating services across agencies
- Ensuring families understand their legal rights
- The module is designed with the learner’s needs in mind.
If you have questions about this course or need assistance, please email:
To begin this course, please click on button below and then select the "enroll me" button below the course description.
Coaching Families is a training module designed to support service providers in delivering the evidence-based practice of coaching, as researched and developed by Dathan Rush and M’Lisa Shelden.
All sections of this module must be completed prior to service provision to ensure qualified staff are delivering ECI services.
If you have questions about this course or need assistance, please email:
To begin this course, please click on button below and then select the "enroll me" button below the course description.
Keys to Successful Supervision is a training module designed for supervisors that introduces basic concepts of supervision and moves the learner to advanced, evidence-based methods of supervision.
If you have questions about this course or need assistance, please email:
To begin this course, please click on button below and then select the "enroll me" button below the course description.
The Global Child Outcomes module is designed to help ECI service providers:
- Understand the three global child outcomes
- Assess children for functional skills associated with each outcome
- Accurately assign and document ratings for each outcome
If you have questions about this course or need assistance, please email:
To begin this course, please click on button below and then select the "enroll me" button below the course description.
Family Cost Share is the HHSC ECI orientation training module for all new staff.
The module provides foundational information and activities on providing early intervention services.
All sections of this module must be completed prior to service provision to ensure qualified staff are delivering ECI services.
If you have questions about this course or need assistance, please email:
To begin this course, please click on button below and then select the "enroll me" button below the course description.
Reviewing future training - password needed *FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY* Not for public access
This section is for testing and evaluation of future learning modules. Only ECI State Staff receive access to these modules. Not for access by ECI field or program staff.